Friday, April 2, 2010

Wireless HDMI Kit: when you really need a bigger screen

Many of you folks like watching movies on your netbook. It's like a portable DVD player that way, very personal but the screen isn't always great when watching blockbusters that have lots of details. Hooking it up to a monitor really isn't that fun so what's the next best thing?

EzAir in Japan is going to be releasing a wireless HDMI kit that will let you finally get some HDMI goodness to let you play your movies on your new LCD TV while keeping your netbook on your lap. It only needs a USB connection for your netbook and the other end is handled by a receiver you connect to your display. What's great is you can either mirror or extend the display, just like in a standard monitor so you can watch your flicks while working on something else.

It supports Atom netbooks which is good though you might need to tone down HD videos if you don't have a video card in your device. It's pretty affordable too at around US$147 so if you want to watch movies on your big screen but don't want the hassle of setting up a media player or HTPC, this is something you can look into. Japan netbookers will be able to get on on April 12 though us overseas need to wait a while or maybe call a friend to ship one over.

source PC Watch

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Wireless HDMI Kit: when you really need a bigger screen