Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Not To Use a Netbook

Some Painful Netbook Positions

A very hefty and heavy post over at Core77 on a study conducted that was sponsored by Freescale Semiconductor showed how netbooks affect ergonomics on its usage among other topics. What they found out is that the best way is apparently the lazy way, the top right posture in the pic above. Just lay on the bed and relax while using your netbook, with possibly a movie on or some snacks on the side.

While all the other positions seem to be ones we've all favored one time or the other, I can attest that the ones with the red dot on the wrist and neck will hurt from what I experience during some intense netbook gaming a few months back. If you like one of the more painful positions, try to shift to another position often so you don't hurt yourself.

Other findings include that most participants go straight to the web browser, that tween consume the bulk of media, and that brands aren't that to them for electronics. You can find out more in the original study.

via gizmodo

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

How Not To Use a Netbook