Saturday, December 18, 2010

Oh great, Asus gives us yet another official pronunciation for its name

A few years ago when nobody had really heard of Asus, the folks who had just kind of assumed the company name was pronounced AY-suss. It turned out we were wrong, and company officials told us a few years go that it should be pronounced ah-SOOS.

So for the past three years or so, I've been posting YouTube videos where I dutifully refer to Eee PC netbooks and other products from the company as uh-SUSE products — despite the angry YouTube commenters who tell me I'm doing it wrong. Of course there will always be angry YouTube commenters around to say that, even if you post a video of how you tie your shoes, cross the street, or inhale and exhale. But in this case, it looks like they may be right: Asus has issued another edict, and this time the company says the brand name should be pronounced AY-soos.

In other words, it's not quite the pronunciation we all assumed… and it's not the one I and other journalists have been working with for the past few years. Great.

What's more, the company says AY-suse is supposed to sound like the tail end of "pegasus." It doesn't.

Whatever. I think I'm just going to start referring to everything from Asus as "that new thing from the company that makes the Eee PC products." At least I'm pretty sure I know how to pronounce those words.

Oh great, Asus gives us yet another official pronunciation for its name is a post from: Liliputing