Monday, May 17, 2010

ABI: Netbook Shipments Could Reach 58 Million in 2010

36 million units of netbooks were sold in 2009, and in 2010, market research firm ABI predicts that a whopping 58 million units could potentially be sold!  This increase in shipments is due to a multitude of reasons, such as the increased portability and convenience of netbooks and the impact that the downturn economy has had on people's financial and budgeting agendas.

According to ABI Analyst, Jeff Orr, "We expect the netbook market to fragment according to different regional value propositions. Functionality will be added to mainstream netbook products while at the same time an entry-level netbook solution will grow, with the aim of targeting some large emerging markets (including China and India) where PC penetration is still quite low."

In addition to the netbook market, ABI also foresees growth in the tablet market, currently led by Apple's iPad.  The company is predicting that 8 million tablet-style netbooks (or just plain tablets) will be shipped in 2010.

Via eWeek.
