Saturday, August 15, 2009

ASUS Netpal Netbook Ship Date Set for Next Week

A week (or more) after the original ship date, ASUS is finally planning to ship their Disney Netpal netbook. Several companies have been taking orders for this netbook, also known as the Eee PC MK90H, for the past month, and Toys R Us is currently showing an estimated ship date for this netbook at 8/14.

Want to learn more about the Disney Netpal netbook before jumping on board and actually buying one? Check out a couple of our previous articles:

Disney & ASUS Team Up With Netpal Netbook
ASUS Netpal Netbook Available for Pre-Order

The ASUS Netpal netbook is available in two colors, and can also be pre-ordered from Amazon for $349.99. Click here for the link to the "Magic Blue" Netpal and here for the link to the "Princess Pink" Netpal.

Via Liliputing.

Images via DavidBulmer and Gizmodiva.