Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leaked ASUS Doc Hints At ASUS Eee PC 1201N Netbook

Looks like somebody with loose lips over at ASUS leaked a pretty telling document. Have at it:

ASUS Leaked Docs

Supposedly, these roadmap docs show what's on the way for the makers of the legendary Eee PC. The specs in question aren't never-before-seen but they're certainly something to pay attention to.

Case in point: the upcoming Eee PC 1201N, which should have a 12-inch display, the Intel Atom N270, 2 GB of RAM, the Nvidia ION and Windows 7, all for $499. These are some pretty interesting numbers, and considering the press ASUS got for the ASUS Seashell netbook I certainly laud that kind of ambition.

Other netbooks are looking like they'll have 250 GB HDDs, cranked up from the 160 GB we see so often these days.

As always, these docs have come a long way to get here (being first noted at the forums of eeeuser.com), so don't forget your grain of salt when you're on your way out.

Via CNet.