Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ARM To Overtake Intel By 2012 in Netbook/Smartbook Battle

Currently, Intel claims 94% of the netbook/smartbook market, but according to Robert Castellano of market research firm The Information Network, by 2012, the tables will have turned, and ARM will own the leading market share (estimated at roughly 55%).

In 2009, the market for Intel-powered netbooks totals 22.1 million units while that for ARM-powered smartbooks totals 1.4 million. In 2010, Intel netbooks will total 31.1 million and ARM smartbooks will total 7.8 million. By 2012, Intel plans to ship 43.2 million netbooks, which is more or less an on-par estimate, but ARM plans to ship a  whopping 52.9 million smartbook units. This would give ARM a 55% share of the market, leaving Intel with a 45% share.

According to The Information Network, the demand for smartbooks, "because of their design and need for cloud connectivity, will grow even more strongly," giving the smartbook segment a chance to overtake netbook demand and sales. We'll be sure to keep you posted on the progress of this situation.

Via EeTimes.

Image via TrustedReviews.