Monday, September 28, 2009

720p Flash Video Running on an HP Mini 311

As netbooks continue to improve on their technical capabilities, what many are expecting it to be able to do is to play 720p Flash Video at a smooth high bit-rate on a 1366×768 pixel or high resolution. It is understandable since Adobe Flash doesn't take advantage of GPU but of CPU instead. And our current netbooks' Atom CPU can't handle these tasks.

But may be soon, netbooks will be able to handle 720p Flash video based on a leaked presentation video showing a machine with NVIDIA ION graphics playing HD Flash on a high resolution display.

The machine was the HP Mini 311.  And if you want to see how a it was able to playback an HD video from YouTube you might want to check this video.

via Liliputing Netbook Journal

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

720p Flash Video Running on an HP Mini 311