Those who are still doubting the capability of netbooks in handling the graphics demands of online games might want to think again. JKOntheRun was able to install, run and play with the MMORPG Dungeons and Dragons using his Toshiba N205.
Now for those who may not be aware of how loaded the Toshiba N205 netbook is, you'll be surprise that aside from the Intel Atom N280 processor, you can also pack in a 2GB of RAM into this machine to make it capable of handling some graphics requirements.
Anyway, the full installation of the free version of D&D requires around 2.8GB of space, so that pretty much can be contained by the Toshiba N205's 160GB HDD.
Overall, the Toshiba N205 handled the game pretty well. Although hard core gamers will most likely not like it. But if you are a casual gamer who wants to do something different with your netbook, you might want to try the game.
I might try this one on my Eee PC 1000HE and see hot it fares.
A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.
Who Says Netbook Can't Handle MMORPG?