Friday, October 2, 2009

Demand for 11.6 inch displays drops


Second tier LCD makers were hoping that demand for 11.6 inch displays would be high, giving them a chance to compete with Samsung, LG Display and AU Optronics, who currently dominate the notebook and netbook panel market. They hoped that demand for 11-13 inch displays would propel them into the competition but it seems the demand for these size displays is actually dropping. Many netbook manufacturers appear to prefer the displays to be 10 inches or smaller. CULV notebooks were also to make use of these display sizes but, it appears many will actually be using displays of 13.3 to 15 inches. The shipment of 11-13 inch displays is expected to drop significantly.

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A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Demand for 11.6 inch displays drops