Thursday, March 18, 2010

Upgrade your trackpad with TwoFingerScroll

One of the main complaints with netbooks is that the touchpad is really, really tiny. Sometimes, it's so tiny that it's just the size of a thumb, no joke! If you need some scrolling help, Lifehacker put up a pretty good walkthrough on how to beef up finger scrolling and more.

Here, we'll focus on the no-tinker TwoFingerScroll which offers a lot of trackpad love in a little program. You can use it to tell your computer to keep on scrolling when you reach the edge of your touchpad, no more incessant swiping just to get to the comments section of that blog you're reading. It also has extended tapping features like assigning a mouse button to a touchpad plus track button click and more.

Get more info on this and other trackpad hacks over at Lifehacker via the link below.

source Lifehacker

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Upgrade your trackpad with TwoFingerScroll