Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Asus to Release Two Tablets, Possibly to Go Up Against the iPad

With a few days left before the Apple iPads starts landing on the lap of  future owners, I'm pretty sure it's going to be an exciting media blitzkrieg topbilled by the iPad. Although the iPad is not really a netbook killer, its popularity may still affect the netbook market, especially those who are just about to try their hands on the portable computing machine. Or perhaps even current netbook owners might consider shifting to the iPad instead of upgrading their netbooks.

Asus' Chairman Johnny Sheh probably realized this and so his company was quick to announce, rather informally that 2 Asus tablets are definitely coming out this year.

It could be the once-talked about EeePad or it could be the Eee Reader. Nothing is final yet. Although Mr. Sheh mentioned something about one of the upcoming tablets running on Google Chrome OS or Android while the other one will most likely be running on Windows platform.

Could Asus pull out its magic once again and steal the thunder away from the Apple iPad once their Eee Tablet comes out? That's still a long way to go for us to make a call. But, we're pretty much excited of what Asus will deliver. Are you?

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Asus to Release Two Tablets, Possibly to Go Up Against the iPad