Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DIY netbooks, first step to Apple-like success

Many institutions like schools and offices have their own branded stationery, pens and what not. How about having your own branded netbook? It's easier than you think.

Guo Bang in China are offering DIY netbook kits to local communities in their area. It probably goes beyond branding and should appeal to gadget builders everywhere since you can supply your own RAM and hard disks and get the rest from them.

Granted, the DIY part of this endeavor are already offered by the likes of MSI and Asus, it's still satisfying to boast that you've built a netbook by yourself. No word if this will be available outside of Shenzhen or if us commoners can get a hold of one since the offer is more tuned towards other manufacturers who need a quick fix when they're running low on netbook supplies.


A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

DIY netbooks, first step to Apple-like success