Sunday, January 24, 2010

Asus eBook Reader poses for photos, likes to have coffee with iPhone

While we normally don't cover eBook readers here, this one's a bit different because it's from the netbook godfather Asus. Maybe they can spark another revolution when they launch their own device?

The reader will have a 1024 x 768, supports a variety of text formats and has audio and text to speech functions. There's 4GB built-in and you can get more storage using the SD card slot.

Asus needs to partner with content providers though to make this work. Unlike netbooks which just borrowed the software ecosystem of notebooks and laptops, readers still have no established source for content other than the traditional media outlets. We'll see how Asus will play its cards for this device. More shots below.

source engadget

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Asus eBook Reader poses for photos, likes to have coffee with iPhone