Monday, November 16, 2009

Get The Google Chrome OS On Your Netbook By Next Week

While it was first rumored that Chinese netbook manufacturers would be getting their hands on the Google Chrome OS first, an early version of the operating system could be available as early as next week.

Google has stated that Chrome will initially seek to enter the netbook OS market, and that the full Chrome OS will be available for consumers by the second half of 2010. A beta as soon as next week would come completely out of left field, considering that Google likely has its hands full trying to get Google Wave out of beta. But who's complaining?

The Chrome OS is an open source project being put together by Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, HP, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba. It's expected to slim down boot speeds as well as other important metrics, based on Google's explanation for the project:

"We hear a lot from our users and their message is clear—computers need to get better. People want to get to their email instantly, without wasting time waiting for their computers toboot and browsers to start up. They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought them."

If Chrome can deliver on those fronts, you can count me in, but I won't be keeping my hopes up – I've had my heart broken before.

Via CRN.