Saturday, July 17, 2010

Apple iPad to follow footsteps of iPhone in taking up biggest share of tablet PC market

Just as the iPhone snatched the lion's share of profits in the smartphone market amidst competition from many well-established smartphone makers, Apple's iPad is likely to do the same, according to research conducted by Goldman Sachs. One of the main reasons cited for why this is likely is the fact that the iPad shares the same app store that made the iPhone and iPod touch famous, which even after all these years of existence, still has no real competitor from other mobile app makers, not even Android and especially not Symbian. The iPad's instant-on functionality is also being counted as a huge benefit as opposed to the usual startup time needed for most notebooks and netbooks, which can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a full minute. The research finding might hold true if the current situation persists, but with the advent of new Android-based tablets from several different manufacturers, it would be interesting to find out how things will change in the course of the next few months.

Via Apple Insider

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