Well, digital film anyway. While HP sent me a bunch of info and press shots of the new HP Mini 311, the folks at Engadget, Laptop Magazine, and Notebooks.com all got to spend some hands-on time with the first NVIDIA ION powered laptop from the big H.
The laptop features an 11.6 inch, 1366 x 768 pixel display, a 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU and NVIDIA ION graphics for handling HD video and graphics. It's got your usual netbook specs of 1GB of RAM and a 160GB hard drive and comes with Windows XP Home at launch, with Windows 7 to follow. It's not exactly a powerhouse, but at $399, it's the cheapest ION powered notebook around.
Notebooks.com shot a few photos of the HP Mini 311 hanging out with a Mini 110 10 inch netbook. The 311 is noticably larger, but its battery sits flush with the unit, so it takes up less vertical space. The keyboards seem to be about the same size, but the touchpad buttons are placed below the trackpad, not to the left and right sides. You can also find a short hands-on video with the Mini 311 from Notebooks.com after the break.
Laptop Magazine also has a video, although I can't embed it so you'll have to visit the Laptop Mag blog to se it. They seemed to like the keyboard and display.
Engadget also has a series of close-up shots of the laptop.
Post from: Liliputing
HP Mini 311 with NVIDIA ION handled, caught on film