Friday, August 21, 2009

MSI Rumored to Launch Pine Trail Netbook in December 2009

It's been awhile since we've heard any good rumors about the Pine Trail platform, but here's the latest word on the street. According to DigitTimes' "industry sources," the first OEM to launch a Pine Trail-M netbook will be MSI, which is rumored to have chosen December 2009 as their window of launch.

Will this really be though? In the past, there have been rumors that the release of Pine Trail-M has actually been delayed from 2009 until 2010. At least Intel still believes the platform's arrival is still on course for 2009.

MSI claimed that their intention for the release is to avoid the competitive pricing that may result from its rivals. MSI wants to instead focus "on the touchscreen and Windows 7 functionality that its Pine Trail-M netbooks are expected to offer." Will it actually be able to avoid the "morning rush" though? I wouldn't be surprised if ASUS and Acer were right on its tail.

Via SlashGear.