CTL Corporation is introducing a new netbook with pre-packaged 3G wireless internet and the 2go brand name, in addition to an interesting selection of other features. This new 2go PC is called the UW1 netbook, and should be versatile and competitive according to CTL Product Manager John Tucker:
"There are a lot of netbooks on the market, however very few netbooks have the flexibility that this one does… You can have us put any operating system on it. You can have 3G wireless on it, as much memory as you need; a camera…or not. We're also shipping Windows 7 with it. Everything that our 2go PC does is designed and assembled here at CTL. This is a very high-end netbook."
The netbook uses an LED backlight for improved visuals and increased battery performance. The keyboard is 92% of full-size on the UW1, so typing should be easy as well.
You can get the UW1 2go PC netbook at ctlcorp.com/shop and System76.com.
Via PRWeb.