Pegatron are to release a smartbook before the end of 2009. The smartbook will feature an 8.9 inch display, but opts for an ARM processor instead of the traditional Intel Atom netbook processor. While the ARM processor may not be as powerful as Intel processors, the CPU will actually use less power. Standard specs of the smartbook includes a 2 cell battery, which seems pretty disappointing, but it's said to last for about 8 hours due to the ARM 800MHz processor.
As the ARM processor isn't supported by Windows XP, Vista or 7, the smartbook will most probably run Linux, but it could also possibly come with Google Android or Windows CE. When the smartbook is released, it should retail for around $120.
IT Pro Portal have previewed the smartbook and compared it for size up against the Asus Eee PC 1005HA.
A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.
Pegatron smartbook sized up against Asus Eee PC 1005HA