Saturday, December 12, 2009

Unboxing Video of Kojinsha DZ Dual Screen Netbook

The Kohjinsha DZ netbook is pretty exciting because of one major reason – it has dual screen. It is currently available in Japan and can be exported through And guess what a site called has gotten hold of one unit, unboxed and put  up an unboxing video for all of us to appreciate the beauty of Kohjinsha's DZ dual-screen netbook.

According to Wow-Pow, the Kohjinsha netbook weighs around 4 pounds and runs up to 4.5 hours. What's interesting about this netbook aside from its dual-screen is that there are two RAM slots inside for upgrading the RAM up to 4GB, an easily replaceable hard drive, and a USB peripheral probably for putting in WiMAX or 3G adapter.

Kohjinsha DZ dual-screen netbook goes out for around $1016. That's the price you have to pay for having a netbook with two screens.

So here's the unboxing videos done by Wow-Pow.

via JKKMobile

A post from the Asus Eee PC blog.

Unboxing Video of Kojinsha DZ Dual Screen Netbook