MSI has begun showing off its first netbook with an Intel Atom N450 processor. Earlier today the company unveiled the MSI Wind U135, and this afternoon Laptop Magazine and Engadget both published the first hands-on looks at the netbook.
The short version? It looks great and functions pretty much exactly like the Asus Eee PC 1005PE with the same processor. It also looks an awful lot like the latest model from Asus, thanks to a similar keyboard and touchpad design. But Laptop Magazine reports that it gets just about half the battery life.
Of course, 5.5 hours of battery life isn't bad for any notebook. But with the Asus Eee PC 1005PE raising the bar with 10+ hours of run time, netbook shoppers are likely going to start expecting more.
On the bright side, the MSI Wind U135 will be about $50 cheaper than the Asus netbook, at just $329.
Post from: Liliputing
MSI Wind U135 starts making the rounds