The Asus Eee PC 1101HA is an 11.6 inch laptop with an Intel Atom Z520 processor, while the Asus UL30A has a 13.3 inch display and an Intel Core 2 Solo processor, 4GB of RAM, and a 500GB hard drive. The UL30A is clearly the more powerful of the two, and it's also larger and heavier, although at 3.3 pounds, it's still relatively light for a full sized laptop. But more importantly, the UL30A's specs are nearly identical to those of the UL20A, which has an 11.6 inch display and should be about the same size as the Asus Eee PC 1101HA.
Unfortunately, Asus is pushing the UL30A a bit harder right now. For instance, you can already pre-order that model from Amazon for under $700, while the UL20A is nowhere to be seen. If you can't wait for the 11.6 inch version to hit the streets, Netbook Live has a photo shoot out comparing the 11.6 inch Eee PC 1101HA to the 13.3 inch Asus UL30A. It should give you a good idea of just how much physical difference those few inches make.
Post from: Liliputing
Asus Eee PC 1101HA, UL30A compared